9.0 更新至第04集


Paradox Live THE ANIMATION was an inspiring story that followed a group of young people who experienced a new kind of adventure. The group were invited by a mysterious old man to take part in an event, which promised something beyond their wildest dreams. Upon arriving, they found the old man was no ordinary person, but an eccentric scientist who was able to use a mysterious device known as a ‘paradox machine’. This device allowed users to enter a different dimension, a dimension that was both similar and different to the real world. Upon entering this world, the group encountered a mysterious girl called Kirino who lived in a mysterious city located in this parallel world. The group soon realised that this world was unstable and in danger of collapsing, due to the presence of a powerful force known as ‘Logos’. Logos are powerful entities that seek to disrupt the balance of the universe by manipulating time and space. The group embarks on a journey in order to discover and understand the secrets of Logos and to protect the world from destruction. Along the way, they make new friends, battle powerful enemies and gain exciting powers. They eventually discover the truth behind Logos and the secret of the Paradox's machine, while also learning valuable lessons about the importance of friendship and courage in the process. Paradox Live THE ANIMATION was a thrilling and exciting story that showed viewers the power of friendship and courage in overcoming the most difficult obstacles. It was a unique and interesting take on modern fantasy and science fiction, with an exciting and captivating plot. The characters radiated charm and courage, making viewers quickly become attached to them and their mission. The animation had stunning visuals and a great soundtrack that made the story even more exciting. Paradox Live THE ANIMATION is an inspiring story that proves that the impossible can be achieved with courage and the strength of friendship.

