4.0 HD


“The Echo of Lamentation” The wind was light and a hint of autumn hung in the air. In the small village of Kurozukuri, it was a quiet day. Even the cicadas were silent. Like every day before, the villagers went about their business oblivious to the eerie quietness that had settled in. Deep in the woods beyond the village something stirred. An old woman stood amidst the trees. Her robes were tattered and her face was pale. Her eyes were heavy with sorrow and despair. She reached into her robes and pulled out a small object; a flute. She began to play a mournful melody. The music was sad and lonesome, almost like a lamentation. No one could tell from where it was coming, but the villagers could feel it in their souls. It was so full of sadness, it seemed almost unbearable. The old woman stopped playing as abruptly as she had begun. She put away the flute and looked at the villagers with a pained expression. Then, she said in a quiet voice full of sorrow and grief: "I play this flute in memory of those we have lost. The echo of their lamentation still lingers in the air, reminding us of their suffering. Remember them, for they will never forget us." With that, she walked away and faded into the morning fog. The villagers stood in silence, shocked and saddened by her words. They had no idea who she was, or why she had come to their village. But her music had touched them and taken away their sorrow. The villagers vowed to remember her and her song forever. For many years after that, people would hear the echo of lamentation from time to time in the woods. When it comes, the villagers remember the old woman and the sorrowful song she had sung. They are forever grateful for what she had done to remind them of those who had been lost.


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