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Fair and Handsome Is the Graceful Maiden The graceful maiden—fair and handsome—has been described in literature, films and poetry since as early as the 16th century. But the phrase “fair and handsome” isn’t just reserved for princesses. All kinds of women, from all walks of life, can be the embodiment of “fair and handsome”. Take, for example, the 1964 advertisement for the Novotel Hotel in Paris featured the model Antoinette Brewer, dressed in a chic 1965 couture evening gown, with the subtitle “Tonight it’s Prettier at Novotel”. The ad was considered particularly progressive for its time; although Brewer was “tall and slim”, her exceptional beauty belied her modest, though undoubtedly effortless and effortful, dress. Indeed, when we look at the very idea of “fair and handsome,” it’s clear that beauty bears no assumption of wealth or privilege. Beauty is individual and natural, and the phrase “fair and handsome” reminds us to think not of a stereotype but an effortless, momentary expression of beauty that all can recognize. In 1965, the Women’s Liberation Movement was in its nascent stages, and the rise of contemporary feminism provided an arena in which to consider the values of beauty and the cultural constraints of women. At the same time, the “swinging sixties” saw an embrace of fashion and a shift in the idea of a woman’s beauty. Increasingly, there was an acceptance of a range of body types, hair colour, individual dress codes and personal preferences. Women began to recognize and express their inner-confidence and worth, and it was in this climate that the phrase “fair and handsome” was born. In our modern-day culture, we see women who represent “fair and handsome” in all shapes, sizes, and ages. From celebrities to everyday citizens, women who are unapologetically themselves are now gracing the covers of magazines and walking the runways—breaking boundaries, shifting paradigms and helping us re-define beauty in our own terms. In a world of seemingly insurmountable beauty standards, “fair and handsome” can take on a different, more meaningful, meaning. It isn’t just about physical appearance, but rather it’s about celebrating effortlessness, grace, and strength that comes from both inner and outer beauty. From quaint French villages to vibrant urban cities, through glass ceilings and beyond, a new generation of women stand up to traditional definitions of “fair and handsome” and proudly express themselves. By doing so, they remind us that beauty is in the eye of the beholder, that courage comes in different forms, and that all forms of beauty are worth celebrating and recognizing. So let’s take the phrase “fair and handsome” into the present and beyond. Let’s honor beauty, however and wherever it’s found, without labels, without stereotypes, and without limits. Let’s make “fair and handsome” come closer to home, and find it in the women who march with strength and courage, the women who show others compassion and kindness, the women who fight for a better tomorrow, and the women who demonstrate true grace, resilience and beauty no matter the challenges they face. These are the women who embody “fair and handsome” and, in turn, inspire us to be better versions of ourselves.

