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He Needed To Prove Himself Steven had always been an average student in his classes. He never thought he was particularly smart, but he had been told his entire life that he had the potential to do great things. So when it was time to choose between universities, he decided to go to the top school in the nation. But once he got there, he was overwhelmed. Everyone around him seemed to be smarter and better than he was and he quickly realized that he was in way over his head. Steven tried hard to prove himself and show that he belonged there. He pushed himself to take more difficult classes and he studied late into the night most days. He made sure to attend every lecture and take as many notes as he could. He managed to keep up with all his classmates but it was an uphill battle for him. Although he was constantly exhausted, Steven was determined to finish the semester strong. He wrote numerous papers and took on extra credit projects. In the end, his hard work paid off and he managed to make it through the semester with a good grade point average. For the first time in his life, Steven felt a sense of pride and accomplishment. Steven had finally proven himself and he began to look forward to the rest of his college career. He started to become more involved in campus life and started to make friends. He even joined a few clubs related to his field of study. For Steven, being at the best school had shown him that anything was possible if he put the effort in. He had come a long way from being an average student and now, he was someone who could hold his head up high. He had pushed himself and accomplished something that he never thought he could and that was enough for him. Through all the late nights and hard work, Steven finally found out what he was truly capable of.

