3.0 HD


Death is coming! It was a dark and stormy night when that unmistakable feeling of death looming in the air had arrived. For those who knew what was coming, everything was silent and still. But for the unaware, panic and terror ensued as they were slowly waking up to the reality that death is coming. The sky was dark and foreboding, clouds rolling in from the horizon, snakes of lightning flickering suddenly across the night sky like a sign from some higher power that had descended from above. The birds had abandoned their nests, choosing to abandon what was about to come. But one thing that grew louder than anything else was a silence that was deafening, as though it echoed through every soul in the vicinity. People started to come out of their houses, scared but determined to confront whatever was coming. Word spread quickly that an unstoppable force was on its way and that there was nobody who could stand in its path. Those who ignored the warnings and stayed inside soon regretted their decision as soon death, in its fullest form, descended upon the land. The ground started shaking, houses tremoring, uprooting trees and crumbling old buildings until the force of death had finally reached its destination. Death announced its presence with a roar that echoed across the lands, and soon after everything fell silent. Even the birds stopped chirping, leaving only the deadly silenceis greeting people. Since that day, nobody has known for sure what death looked like. All people remember is that it consumed them, body and soul, transforming their world into a wasteland of fear and sorrow. Despite the lingering questions, the experience of that dark night linger on in those who lived through it, a reminder of what happens when death is coming.




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