4.0 HD


Parasites are forever a mystery to the majority of us. We often hear stories of severe illness or even death due to them, but what do we really know about them? Well, for starters, parasites are organisms that live on or in a host, and expend energy without providing any benefit to the host other than protection from its surrounding environment. Parasitism is an ancient and widespread phenomenon so it is no surprise that humans have had to deal with them throughout history. From the days of the Ancient Egyptians to the Georgian era, humans have had to contend with a wide range of parasites that cause disease, weaken our immune system and even disrupt our quality of life. The modern world is no exception to that rule. Despite advances in sanitation, antibiotics and vaccines, parasites still a major problem in many parts of the world. Malaria, yellow fever, schistosomiasis, intestinal worms, to name a few, still wreak havoc on millions of people every year. Even in the United States, parasitic infestations can occur in humans and animals alike. While parasites are an annoyance, it turns out that they may also have a few benefits. Recent research has shown that parasites can help us to better understand how our bodies and other species interact. For example, it has been suggested that by controlling mosquito populations, parasites could help reduce the spread of mosquito-borne illnesses. Parasites are far from a pleasant topic, but they are an important one nonetheless, and we should not ignore them. As we approach 2019, it is important to learn more about parasites so that we can better treat and prevent them from taking over our lives for the worse. By understanding the biological mechanisms behind them and finding ways to treat them, we can ensure that these organisms remain as nothing more than a problem of our past.


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