8.0 HD


Sitting around the Fireside I can still remember that evening, the room was quiet except for the warmth coming from the fire burning in the hearth. My mom, dad, and siblings all sitting around the fireside, the sweet smell of woodsmoke in the air. We were all there, our eyes twinkling in the firelight, smiles on our faces. Those memories of that night remain vivid to me, my family and I, all snuggled up together. I could feel the love radiating from each of my siblings and parents as we just enjoyed being together; just listening to the crackling fire, with the occasional "whoop" from a joke or funny story being told around the fireside. The laughter and chatter that ensued from each of us that night was a phenomenon that will forever remain in my heart. We stayed up until late, and every so often Mom would remind us that we had to be up early the next day. But of course, we never listened, as we wanted to talk and joke as much as we could. Mom would bring out hot cocoa for us to enjoy, the best part being that we had added marshmallows and chocolate syrup for a much better flavor. Even though it started to get late, no one wanted to call it a night, but eventually, we had to, and with smiles tinged with sadness, we all said good night and went off to bed. The next morning, I still remember feeling a little bit sad that the night before had come and gone so quickly. We all slowly got out of bed, still reminiscing the night before. But, the memories of that night remain vivid in my mind, and I will forever cherish those moments of togetherness with my mom, dad, and siblings, all of us sitting around the fireside.


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