10.0 HD


The Legend of the Evaporating Code Far out in the distant reaches of space, there exists a mysterious planet known as Benthon. On this foreign world, a single rule is strictly enforced: no one may speak of the Evaporating Code. For centuries, this rule has been upheld, with dire consequences should anyone break it. But what exactly is the Evaporating Code? It is a cryptic message that is said to possess unfathomable power, power that could overthrow empires and bring darkness to the universe. This message is hidden away from the world in the vast and untamed jungles of Benthon, locked away in thick and ancient trees that nobody has yet to unlock. The story of this mysterious code has been passed down from generation to generation through ancient legend and folktale, but it remains largely unknown. Rumors of the code have been whispered in the shadows for years, but no one can be sure of its existence— and even if it does exist, nobody knows how to access it. The only ones who know the truth behind the code are the inhabitants of Benthon. For centuries, they have kept the secret of the Evaporating Code tucked away in their hearts. It's said that these people have the ability to unlock the code, but accessing the power it contains can come at great cost. In some cases, it's said that those who unlock the code will be struck down in a pillar of fire, or some other unknown fate. So what is the Evaporating Code? Nobody knows. Some believe it to be a warning from the gods to stay away from the untamable darkness that lurks in the shadows of Benthon. Others believe it to be a key to unlocking impromptu power and greatness. Whatever the truth is, the Evaporating Code remains safely locked away from the world, cloaked in the deepest mystery and legend.


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