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"Courage To Change The Future" 20 years ago, the world was a much different place. Technology was a fraction of what it is today, the internet didn't exist and information was hard to come by. Social and political systems hadn't yet been created and people were still very much living in a primitive state. Despite the lack of resources and information, many brave individuals dared to dream of a brighter future and dared to take a brave stand for their beliefs. One name that stands out throughout history is Mahatma Ghandi. His courage to stand up for what he believed in and to take action against unfair practices sparked a movement that changed India forever and inspired a tide of change across the world. In today's society, we have a wealth of knowledge, technology, and resources that were unthinkable a century ago. We have the capability to learn from the lessons of the past and empower ourselves to recognize our individual power and responsibility in creating a future we can be proud of. But all this power amounts to nothing if we fail to take a stand and be courageous enough to make a change when justice is not being served. The world is constantly changing and with it, the challenges we face. We must remain vigilant and be ready to recognize injustice wherever it appears. We must use our collective knowledge to investigate, think critically, and develop solutions that will benefit everyone. Furthermore, we must use the technologies of today to spread awareness and demand reform from institutions so that those who are voiceless have an opportunity to be heard. Whatever future we are striving for, we must remember that each of us has the power to make a difference. Whether it’s at the ballot box, in a courtroom, the classroom or workplace, we must be brave enough to challenge our fears and take a stand for what we believe is right. It is only when our collective courage is especially strong that we can bring about the positive changes that we desire and need. The decision to change the future lies in our hands and only through our courage and collective action can we shape the future we want to see. Let us remember Mahatma Ghandi and his tireless fight for justice and use him as an example of what we can accomplish when we never give up fighting for the truth. Now, it is our turn to stand up and to fight for the change that will create a brighter and equitable future for all.



