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人鱼王子:The Beginning

: Once upon a time, there was a magical kingdom far from the troubles of the everyday world. In this kingdom, hidden beneath the waves of the ocean, lived a young prince who had magical powers. He was descended from a long line of rulers and had the ability to turn himself into a human-like form with a tail and fins. He was known as the Human Fish Prince, and he lived his life peacefully among his kingdom's citizens, who all treated him as royalty. The prince had a special gift though. He could grant wishes to the citizens of his kingdom, if he so chose. One day the prince heard a plea for help from a far off land. A merchant and his daughter, exhausted from their travels across the sea, had come to the kingdom to seek his aid. The merchant told the prince of a far away kingdom in need of assistance. He explained that the kingdom was in danger unless the prince could aid them. The prince listened to the plight of the merchant and his daughter and agreed to lend his aid. He set off on a journey to the far away kingdom, leaving his kingdom behind and never to be seen again by his people. Upon arriving in the kingdom, the prince encountered a cruel sorcerer who had enslaved the people of the kingdom. He was determined to overthrow the tyrant and free the people of the kingdom. After a long battle, the prince emerged victorious and restored peace and prosperity to the kingdom. The people of the kingdom were so grateful for the prince's help that they crowned him king. He ruled his new kingdom with kindness and justice and continued to grant the citizens their wishes. Throughout the kingdom, he became known as the Human Fish Prince, a title of which he was very proud. He lived out the rest of his days as a just and benevolent ruler until eventually passing away and leaving the kingdom to his successor. His memory lived on, however, and to this day the people of the kingdom the Human Fish Prince saved refer to him as their savior, a title that will forever remain with him. The story of the Human Fish Prince will remain in the hearts of the people forever as a reminder of justice, kindness and courage. This is the story of the Human Fish Prince, the beginning.

