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The Hero of South Qiao Factory It was a solemn day for the small South Qiao factory as workers celebrated the life of their hero - Ma Guoying. Ma Guoying’s incredible courage and strength were on full display when he single-handedly lifted a massive and dangerous piece of machinery off of a fellow worker that had been crushed beneath it. It seemed that everyone in the small factory had known the eccentric Ma Guoying since his arrival in city a few years before. Ma Guoying had always been a kind and humble man who had devoted himself fully to his work. Everyone who met him was immediately taken aback by the large and impressive stature of the man, and it became quickly apparent that he far surpassed many of his peers in terms of strength. It was one fateful day early on a Tuesday morning when the unthinkable happened. Ma Guoying was in the process of loading a large piece of machinery onto a truck when it suddenly shifted and crushed another worker. Without thinking twice, Ma Guoying immediately leapt into action and, with a single effort, lifted the immense weight of the machine off of the poor man. The crowd that had gathered in amazement to watch Ma Guoying in action erupted into cheers and shouts of admiration. It was quickly agreed by everyone that a man of Ma Guoying’s strength was an invaluable asset for the South Qiao factory, and the workers knew that they owed him an immense debt of gratitude. Ma Guoying was commended and lauded by his coworkers and neighbours, some of whom had only just learned of his heroic act that day. He was even granted a small residence and lifelong employment from the South Qiao factory, enormous accolades for a man of his humble roots and stature. Despite all the admiration and praise that he achieved, Ma Guoying remained humbled, preferring to leave the spotlight to his coworkers and friends. Whenever his accomplishments were brought up, he would simply crack a smile and reach for the stars in a gesture of hopefulness and unending optimism. Ma Guoying’s courage and strength was remembered for years to come, an eternal source of inspiration for the workers of South Qiao factory and for all who learned of his story. The South Qiao factory will always remember their hero - Ma Guoying.



