6.0 已完结


来自星星的你 这是一个非常美好的故事,大概发生在一个很遥远的地方,有一对迷人的姊妹。她们深爱彼此,就像一张灿烂的星空。 小姊妹梦想要去看看星星,一直幻想能在空中跳跃跳到最高处,将它们都拾来当作自己的珍贵的宠物。大姊姊温柔地拥抱着小姊妹,也与之一同丢闪耀的纯洁的梦想。 一晚上,大姊妹醒来后,发现小姊妹已经不在身边了。她带着星星陨落的希望跑到小姊妹藏身的地方,惊讶地发现小姊妹竟然独自坐在一旁,默默双手奋力拼凑着一只从星辰上罩住的小桥。 原来,小姊妹把自己收养的星星,给她每个生日都用从天上拾下来的宝物组成的一座小桥,当作给她的生日礼物,把它修成一只小小的桥,用它来把她和大姊妹彼此连接起来,一直穿越天空,直到永远。 大姊妹收起小姊妹的小桥,低头轻轻细语:“我知道,来自星星的你,只要有我在就不会感到担心!” 从此,他们就成为了最要好的姐妹,一起远足、一起玩耍,一起收集星星,每一次饱含着星星的回忆,她们心里都留了一个轻微的眷恋。 而星星也永远陪伴着他们,他们从未老去,一直在原地默默地期待,等待那天两个姊妹再次出发,穿过那座星星桥,一起去看星星,一起去寻觅更灿烂的希望。 T` his is a beautiful story that happened in a very far away place. There were two charming sisters who were very fond of each other, just like a bright starry sky. The younger sister had a dream of going and seeing the stars. She always dreamed of being able to jump to the highest spot in the air and pick them all up as her precious pets. The older sister gently hugged her little sister and shared in her pure and shining dream. One night, the older sister woke up and found her little sister was not around. She ran to the place her younger sister was hiding with a hope of starless night and was amazed to find her silently piecing together a tiny bridge covered with stars. It turned out that her adopted stars had made her a bridge of treasures gathered from the sky for her birthday, which she had turned into a tiny bridge to connect her to her big sister and journey through the sky forever. The older sister collected the bridge of her little sister and whispered softly, “I know you from the stars, and I'm here so you'll never be afraid!” From then on, they became the best of sisters, going on trips, playing, and collecting stars together. Every time they had memories filled with stars, a slight pang of longing remained in their hearts. The stars were, too, forever with them. They never aged and waited quietly in the same spot for the day when the two sisters would start their journey again, over the starry bridge, and go to watch the stars and search for a brighter hope.

