



I SWIM 导演:冯志强  主演:吴海昕 魏浚笙 袁澧林 吕爵安 邱仕縉 
I Swim I swim. That’s it - that's all! Swimming is a great sport and activity for many reasons. I

I Swim I swim. That’s it - that's all! Swimming is a great sport and activity for many reasons. It is great exercise, you can do it almost anywhere, and it is incredibly fun. Whether you are just learning to swim or you've been swimming for years, there is no question that swimming is an activity that everyone can enjoy. I knew that I wanted to learn to swim when I was eight. My mom, kids at school, and even TV commercials showed people swimming in the pool or at the beach, and I was inspired to learn how to do it myself. Looking back, I'm so glad that I pursued swimming and took lessons. It's an activity that I have loved ever since. When I started taking swimming lessons, I had no idea how to do anything besides blow bubbles underwater. But I kept practicing and quickly learned the basics. Soon I was able to go from one side of the pool to the other without stopping and back again. From there, I advanced to learning different strokes, swimming for longer distances, and even diving. Swimming has given me so much over the years. Not only am I able to stay in shape and stay healthy, it has also been a great opportunity to meet new people and make new friends. When I was younger, I used to love the days when I would have to go out with a group of people for swimming classes or trips to the beach. It was incredibly fun to be out in the water with my friends. Swimming has also helped me face some of my fears. When I was first learning to swim, I was scared to go in water that was above my head. I had a fear of drowning, and I was absolutely petrified to go in deeper water. But with practice and a little bit of courage, I eventually overcame my fears and now do not even think twice about going in deep water. Swimming is such an amazing activity and sport, and I am so thankful that I was able to pursue it. From lessons when I was younger, to participating in teams and competitions when I was older, it has been a great journey. I have met so many amazing people and created fantastic friendships and memories. Whether I'm in the pool or at the beach, I find myself always drawn back to the water, always looking forward to my next opportunity to swim.


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