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: My brother's teenage years were a time of bursting energy, budding dreams, and the joy of discovering what life had to offer. From the record-setting runs on the track to the weekend "study sessions" spent with friends, it seemed like he was always buzzing with energy and excitement. During his teenage years, my brother had the opportunity to explore a range of interests. He was a top-notch athlete, captain of the school’s track and field team and a state champion sprinter. He was also an excellent student, top of his Year 8 class and valedictorian of his high school graduation year. He loved classical literature and was an active member of the school’s book club. He performed in the school jazz band, providing the percussion for his school’s musical performances. In addition, he signed up for a range of related activities and clubs, such as filmmaking and robotics. My brother had an innate curiosity that drove him to explore a range of topics. Every morning, he woke up early and indulged himself with a selection of books and studies. He poured over books of physics, classic literature, and mathematics. In the evenings, he taught himself advanced coding languages and algorithms. What’s more, he attended almost every guest lectures and cultural events held at the university. He was constantly pushing himself to excel in all areas, while also fiercely protecting the precious time he had to pursue his own interests. My brother’s teenage years seemed to fly by. Graduation came quicker than expected, and he was soon on his way to college. He took his studies seriously, and soon graduated with a degree in computer science. I keep in touch with him through the occasional phone call, but I can’t help but feel wistful when I recall his teenage years. Even today, some fifteen years later, I have vivid memories of my brother in his younger years. I’ll always remember my brother from his teenage years - bursting with energy and ambition, frantically chasing his dreams. He was always full of life, and his passion for learning and discovery was second to none. From the school track to the university halls, he was ever ready to explore, grow and discover. As I look back on my brother’s teenage years, it’s amazing to see how far he has come. I know he will continue to find ways to make improvements and reach new heights.

